Thursday 10 November 2016

My favourite food since I'm a child are the potatoes, I dont care about the recipe, I just like them in any way they are prepared! I remember when I was a child and I always waited impatiently the day when my mom prepared mashed potatoes with fried egg, it is a really simple recipe, but I love it the most, even above other things that I tried like the Empanadas de Pino. Another dish that I like is the kuchen, specially the one prepared with blueberries, I try it every time I go to the south to see my sister and her family in Puerto Montt.

On the other side I don't like the seafood, its really disgusting for me to try it, hopefully it is not so consumed in my house so I dont have to deal with it. The exception to this is the southern king crab (Centolla), I tried it once prepared as a 'chupe' in the past New Years Eve, it has a really delicious taste and I actually would like to learn to prepare it for another time! The other dish that I dont like are tomatoes, I dont like to feel the texture of its seeds when it is prepared as a salad, the opposite with the taste, that's why I can eat it as a sauce (like in ketchup!).


  1. I am really agreed with you about that the potatoes are one of the more amazing foods in the world. If you can someday, you MUST go to Bolivia. I went two years ago and there you can find THOUSANDS of potatoes species, with different colours, sizes and taste. Is like La Meca of potatoes.

  2. I love potatoes! Seriously, I think It's the best vegetable ever, you can do so many recipes, and chips are awesome. But really, I can't believe that you don't like tomatoes, it's the second best vegetable!

  3. ohh!! that rich the potatoes has many positive things and accompany fine meals

  4. I also love potatoes. Mashed with fried eggs are lovely. In salad as well. And so are chips. I'll have to go to Bolivia too

  5. Potatoes will bring peace to the world, seriously guys, they will.

  6. Potatoes are one of my favourite food too, you can do an incredible number of recipes using just this ingredient, but the seafood is a delight to me.

  7. Potatoes are good, but not better than my favourite foods 88

  8. Potatoes sounds great ! although I prefer pastas jaja but potatoes can be cook in many forms like salad or paste
