Thursday 17 November 2016

One of the Biggest chileans (Or two?)

One of the biggest chileans I think I ever got to know it's a journalist with a really hardcore gambling trouble, he is Juan Carlos Bodoque, who works in the most serious, important and globally widespread news program of the chilean TV, 31 minutos.On his 'green note' he presents a report which normally is about an ecologic problem in Chile, like for example why the Mapocho river is brown.

Ok no, ha! One of the biggest chileans that I can think about is Victor Jara, a songwriter who was born in 1932 in Lonquén, a son of farmers, he became one of the most widely known songwriters in the world with his protest songs and was one of the emblematic characters of the New Chilean Song, together with Violeta Parra, Inti-Illimani, Illapu, between others. His songs are really special and talk about the troubles in the chilean society, like the song 'Luchin' which talks about a little child who plays with the animals and the mud. Another of his most famous songs 'El Derecho de vivir en paz' which talks about the Vietnam War and how everyone has the right to live in peace, away from the disasters and disgrace that war brings to the people, one of the most powerful verses on it is 'The moon is an explosion', which literally represents what the vietnameses lived and saw with the US bombardments. 

For sure, he will keep being considered as one of the biggest representants of the chilean music in the future.


  1. For my the of work of Victor Jara is exceptional! GReat men, great artist! <3

  2. Hahaha ok, totally agree, Victor Jara is an amazing composer and an important man in a politic and social way; but I must admit that when I was a child I loved Bodoque too
