Thursday 15 December 2016

End of the semester and the Best Blog

This semester is the last one of my first year on university studying History, and i feel that it passed really slow, at the point that the first semester feels like years ago. It's been good because I've learn a lot, even when it got me stressed a lot, specially the previous days when I had to deliver the essays to the teachers or the night before of the tests. But anyway, it was a really awesome semester, and hopefully I exempt myself from two classes at this point, but I still have to see the other 5 ones! 

I remember that someone said that I probably wasn't going to survive this first year (and he seriously meant it), but hopefully, if everything goes well with the rest of my cathedras, I think I will proof the opposite! because I'd have approved the whole year in a row, which is kind of hard to believe considering the huge levels of reprobation, specially the first semester.

Enough about me. i want to talk about the best bblogger of the class: Punk with Cheese (Alvaro). His blog is fullfilled with really deep and reflexive statements, the post that I liked the most from him was 'The ones without names'. I mean, almost everyone tried to think about some of the popular persons that we remember as a society (including me), and he was the one who remembered the rest of the society!

So that's what I think: Punkwithchesse has my vote! +1

See you, people! It was awesome to work with all of you! 

Thursday 1 December 2016

My ambition: To Travel 

Two of my biggest ambitions which are related together: 1st, to travel to as many places as possible, especially in South America, Europe and the Middle East.  2nd, to move abroad, maybe Germany or Uruguay. I want to fulfill this ambitions because It's what I like the most, meet foreign cultures and people, know their history and ways of living, and try to be part of them to have the whole experience.

I think there are many things which inspired this ambition, one are the travels that my sister has done, she had travelled to Mexico, UK, USA, Turkey, France and many places more, and it is fantastic to hear her trip experiences! The fact that I want to move abroad it was born with the stories that my parents told me of when they lived outside, my dad lived in Argentina when he was 19-20 years old trying to move to the old USSR, while my mom and my biggest brother (then he was a little child) stayed around two years in Venezuela at the age of 22-23 working in a hospital.

It would mean a lot for me to move abroad and see the world, I can't imagine a life staying in the same city the whole life with the same routine always and looking the same panorama. I want to know more people and more lifestyles than just Santiago's routine!

So that's my ambition, I hope I will realize it someday!

Thursday 24 November 2016

My hobby: Gaming

One of the Hobbies I have and I do the most since I'm a child is playing videogames. I remember that my brothers taught me how to play the old Grand Theft Auto 2 when I was like 5 years old, how to use the mouse and the keyboard and use the computer. Actually, since then I started learning english (but of course, as a child I didnt understood a bit of english, but I knew that pressing the button ''Play Game'' would start it haha). And well, since then I haven't stopped!

I enjoy videogames specially when they have such a deep and awesome story, like the Assassin's Creed 2 that transports the player to the 1500's Florence, in middle of the italian Renaissance and the conflict between the Borgia and the monarchies. Other kind of games I like are global strategy games where you control a whole country, action titles like Battlefield 4 and Medal of Honor, and RPG's (Roleplaying games) like Skyrim and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

I consider myself a casual gamer, even when the idea of professional gaming sounds awesome. Actually, once I joined a chilean guild of the action-strategy game World of Tanks and participated in tournaments agaisnt argentinians, mexicans and northamericans guilds, they were fun times even when we had to train strategies and face defeat many, many times agaisnt really big and professional guilds! But as I said again, now I'm not so involved in gaming communities as before.

Thursday 17 November 2016

One of the Biggest chileans (Or two?)

One of the biggest chileans I think I ever got to know it's a journalist with a really hardcore gambling trouble, he is Juan Carlos Bodoque, who works in the most serious, important and globally widespread news program of the chilean TV, 31 minutos.On his 'green note' he presents a report which normally is about an ecologic problem in Chile, like for example why the Mapocho river is brown.

Ok no, ha! One of the biggest chileans that I can think about is Victor Jara, a songwriter who was born in 1932 in Lonquén, a son of farmers, he became one of the most widely known songwriters in the world with his protest songs and was one of the emblematic characters of the New Chilean Song, together with Violeta Parra, Inti-Illimani, Illapu, between others. His songs are really special and talk about the troubles in the chilean society, like the song 'Luchin' which talks about a little child who plays with the animals and the mud. Another of his most famous songs 'El Derecho de vivir en paz' which talks about the Vietnam War and how everyone has the right to live in peace, away from the disasters and disgrace that war brings to the people, one of the most powerful verses on it is 'The moon is an explosion', which literally represents what the vietnameses lived and saw with the US bombardments. 

For sure, he will keep being considered as one of the biggest representants of the chilean music in the future.

Thursday 10 November 2016

My favourite food since I'm a child are the potatoes, I dont care about the recipe, I just like them in any way they are prepared! I remember when I was a child and I always waited impatiently the day when my mom prepared mashed potatoes with fried egg, it is a really simple recipe, but I love it the most, even above other things that I tried like the Empanadas de Pino. Another dish that I like is the kuchen, specially the one prepared with blueberries, I try it every time I go to the south to see my sister and her family in Puerto Montt.

On the other side I don't like the seafood, its really disgusting for me to try it, hopefully it is not so consumed in my house so I dont have to deal with it. The exception to this is the southern king crab (Centolla), I tried it once prepared as a 'chupe' in the past New Years Eve, it has a really delicious taste and I actually would like to learn to prepare it for another time! The other dish that I dont like are tomatoes, I dont like to feel the texture of its seeds when it is prepared as a salad, the opposite with the taste, that's why I can eat it as a sauce (like in ketchup!).

Thursday 6 October 2016

Resultado de imagen de libros
It's kind of hard to think in just one present, but I'd say that one of the best gifts I received is the collection of many kinds of books that my parents had. They gave it to me once we were doing the spring cleaning of the cellar around 3 years ago. between them are encyclopedias, novels, essays, but one of the most special ones is a spanish conversation guide for german speakers from 1910. The reason I like it the most is because that book belonged to my great granddad who was a german migrant from Hamburg, together with that photo was a photo of his daughter (who was the mom of my grandmom), that's why that book is special for me, because it shows a little part of the history of my family. 

Right now I have the whole collection divided in my whole room, because they are too many! Some of them are in two little bookshelves (the most important or interesting ones) and the rest is in my closet.

Thursday 29 September 2016

Today I will talk about Germany, which is the country that I want to see the most!

I'd like to study an academic program there about History or Political Science since those are the fields that I like and know. Why in Germany? Well, that's because since I was a teenager I wanted to travel and live in Europe, and I fell in love with this country because of what it has, the landscapes (like its giant forests and the Alps at the south) , the cities, and the history that went through this lands. Actually, it is incredible to see how this nation could stand being divided between two countries for so long time during the XX century and how the traces of those sad times are still visible for example in Berlin (which is the city in the photo): like the pieces of the old wall that divided the city in two, or through demographics -for example in religious beliefs or political opinion- changes radically between the neighbours of the city.